Not quite sure if someone is telling you the truth? Then it’s time for your own small lie detector. Your test subject only needs to hold two wires in their hands and answer your questions – and you’ll know whether they’re lying or not.
With this project, you won’t really find out if you’re being lied to. After all, even “professional” lie detectors aren’t capable of reliably bringing the truth to light. But it’s certainly enough for a bit of fun among friends! 🙂
How the Lie Detector Works
This project isn’t complicated: You connect three colored LEDs to the Arduino, which show you how far away from the “truth” an answer is. Another circuit is completed when your test subject holds two wires in their hands. You connect one of these wires to 5V. The other actually consists of two wires with a 10kΩ resistor between them, which you connect to GND.
This resistor is a so-called pull-down resistor that “pulls down” the measurement value at pin A0 to zero. If you didn’t use a resistor here, the measurements would “act crazy” – you would receive all kinds of values. You can check what this looks like by temporarily removing the resistor.
Depending on how much the person sweats on their fingers, their skin resistance decreases. You can measure these small differences and track them in your Serial Monitor. Let’s assume the test subject starts sweating when lying: The skin resistance decreases and becomes more conductive – the measurement value changes and increases. If the fingers stay dry, the flowing current encounters greater resistance – and the measurement value remains low.
The Setup
Use the following diagram as a guide for setting up your lie detector:
You can find the sketch for your lie detector in the Exercise Files for this lesson. There’s hardly anything to say about the sketch itself; you should already be familiar with all the commands. 🙂
Upload it to your Arduino and open the Serial Monitor. You should now see a zero running through it. This is the value being measured at analog pin A0. If you press the ends of the two detector wires together, you should see the value 1023, which drops again as soon as you separate the wires. If the value doesn’t return to zero, restart your Arduino with the reset button.
Now take one wire each between the thumb and index finger of your hands. Does the value increase slightly? Moisten your fingers and observe what happens then. One final note: Please keep in mind that this lie detector is a simple setup that won’t provide you with reliable values.